You pay good money for your car insurance and health insurance premiums. When you have an accident or a health problem, you have the right to expect your insurance company will pay you the fair amount to which you are entitled. When your insurance company delays talking to you, makes low offers, or denies payment on grounds it knows aren’t true; they should be held accountable for their bad faith response.
Accountability means more than just paying you what they should have paid in the first place. At Telaré Law, our Kennewick bad faith insurance lawyers demand compensation for your lawyer’s fees to force the insurance company to pay you. We may seek triple damages and other remedies. Our experienced personal injury attorneys have negotiated with numerous insurance carriers. We understand when insurance companies are complying with the law, insurance industry standards, and your contract. We’ll help you obtain the compensation you truly deserve.
In Kennewick, car, truck, and motorcycle owners can buy several types of insurance to pay for their medical bills, lost income, and other damages in the event they have an accident. These insurance policies are filed by the injured victim (or someone covered by the insurance policy, such as a child who drives your car) against their own insurance company.
Claims by a policyholder against their own insurance company are called first-party claims. They’re different from the liability claims (third-party claims) our personal injury lawyers file when a negligent driver causes harm.
Examples of first-party claims include:
Normally, the first-party insurance company has the right to subrogation (reimbursement) for a liability insurance carrier if fault can be shown.
Our Kennewick insurance bad faith lawyers help accident victims obtain their first-party benefits until their case is resolved.
Yes, there is a law that covers bad faith claims that governs the unreasonable denial of a claim for coverage or payment of benefits. The law (known as the Insurance Fair Conduct Act) provides as follows:
When a first-party insurance carried unreasonably denies a claim, the insurance can recover:
The statute further provides that unreasonable denials (bad faith) include the following (which are defined in other state laws):
Examples of unfair claims settlement practices are defined by state law as:
There are many other ways of showing bad faith, which our skilled Kennewick insurance bad faith lawyers are ready to assert.
At Telaré Law, we know what steps by insurance companies are reasonable and which ones cross the line of fair resolution of your claim. In addition to the Insurance Fair Conduct Act, we also review whether the insurance company violated the Washington Consumer Protection Act.
Some acts by the insurance company are reasonable, even if we don’t always like them. Insurance companies do have the right to review whether you are covered by the insurance policy. They also have a right to investigate your claim. Insurance companies can make offers based on settlements and verdicts in similar cases.
Insurance companies are only required to pay the amount of your insurance coverage, at most. If your car accident claim is worth $150,000, but the driver who hit you is uninsured and your UM/UIM policy only provides for $100,000 in coverage, then the insurance company only has to pay the $100,000 if the other driver negligently caused the accident.
As part of our representation in personal injury cases, we’re ready to take fast action if an insurance company is uncooperative. We question the adjuster, seek discovery of all relevant records, and work step-by-step to show the insurance company and the adjuster weren’t proceeding according to state laws and insurance company standards. We may also file a claim with the Washington Office of the Insurance Commissioner.
Telaré Law represents clients injured in car accidents, truck accidents, motorcycle accidents, and other types of personal injury cases. We meet clients at our Kennewick office located at 819 South Auburn St. We also see clients at our office in Richland. We do meet clients at their homes, hospitals, and by video when they’re too ill to come to our office.
Most accident cases do settle. When insurance companies act in bad faith, we file civil actions directly against the insurance companies. When their offers are less than you deserve, we’re ready to try your liability claim in court.
Insurance premiums for accident-related expenses aren’t cheap. You pay good money for those policies. Insurance companies who are all too happy to take your premium payments must honor their contracts and treat you fairly. When insurance companies try to pressure you into a bad settlement or deny legitimate claims altogether, our Kennewick bad faith insurance lawyers are ready to hold them accountable.
Contact our firm to schedule a free consultation.