Can You File a Lawsuit for Postpartum Hemorrhage?

Giving birth can be both a joyful and traumatic experience for many women, but also a cause for celebration once the baby arrives. However, a post-delivery complication like postpartum hemorrhage can delay the necessary bonding moments with the newborn baby, as the mother may end up fighting for her life instead. At Telaré Law, our…

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Mothers Deserve Safe Deliveries. They’re Not Getting Them.

Pregnant women care for themselves throughout their pregnancy so they can bring a healthy baby into the world. Unfortunately, you can do everything right and still have traumatic labor and delivery. One of the most serious conditions a mother-to-be can develop is preeclampsia. If it is not quickly diagnosed and addressed, the life of the…

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Placental Abruption Is a Life-Threatening Medical Condition

Every day, thousands of babies are born in the U.S. For many mothers, the delivery process is painful and exhausting, but the end result – a healthy baby – makes it all worth it. But for others, the process is a challenge, and some face life-threatening complications during pregnancy and during labor. According to the…

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What Is Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE)?

Labor and delivery is an exciting if nerve wracking time for any family, especially the mother. She is about to bring her child into this world, and her life will be forever changed by this new addition to her family. While many pregnancies and deliveries happen without incident, there are many ways in which the…

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