Distracted driving is a key contributing cause of serious injury and death after an accident. An injury from a distracted driving truck accident in Kennewick could entitle you to a claim for compensation against a liable truck driver or another responsible party.
Our experienced truck accident attorneys represent clients in these situations by advocating for their rights to compensation at trial or in a settlement when available. We understand your situation and are ready to win for you.
Identifying distracted driving in a Kennewick truck accident can be more difficult in some cases than others. Drivers cannot see into the truck driver’s cabin and observe whether talking on a cell phone or another distraction caused a collision. However, some events leading up to the accident could signal that distracted driving played a role. For example, a truck driver’s abrupt turning, drifting into another lane, consistently tapping their brakes, and other behaviors may indicate a driver is not fully focused on the road.
Even when distracted driving is not apparent immediately after a truck accident, an attorney can help uncover it through proper investigation. During the litigation process, they can request cell phone records, black box data, and other information that might shed light on the cause of an accident.
Truck accidents in Kennewick involving a distracted driver can involve multiple liable parties, depending on the circumstances. For example, multiple parties could be distracted from using a cell phone or another device, or another driver could have violated another traffic law, such as by speeding. The state’s rule of comparative fault will generally apply in these situations and limit a person’s liability for injuries to their percentage of responsibility for causing the truck accident. When one of those at-fault parties is the injured person seeking compensation, their damages will be reduced by their percentage of fault under Revised Code of Washington 4.22.005.
The damages a person injured in a distracted driving truck accident could claim in a civil lawsuit include compensation for the following:
The exact amount of damages available in a distracted driving case depends on several factors, such as the nature of a person’s injury, their occupation, and their future medical needs.
The state has a three-year statute of limitations per RCW 4.16.080 that applies to personal injury lawsuits. This means injured parties who want to file a lawsuit have three years from the date of their accident to pursue compensation in court. An attorney could ensure the suit is filed before the deadline.
Before or after filing a civil lawsuit for damages from a truck accident, an injured person may have an opportunity to settle against the liable driver, insurer, or another representative. Deciding to settle after a distracted driving truck accident in Kennewick is an important decision that could benefit from a full understanding of a person’s rights at trial. Obtaining an award for damages from a jury is never guaranteed, and a settlement could provide an opportunity to receive payment for damages quickly. Our attorneys help clients in these cases by explaining the potential value of their case, issues that could risk an award at trial, and other relevant factors for advising on a settlement offer.
Distracted driving truck accidents in Kennewick can be complex because of challenges gathering evidence and the potential shifting of blame under comparative fault rules. Our lawyers can help you or a loved one navigate these issues and more through litigation to recover owed compensation.
Schedule a consultation with one of our attorneys today. We are available to answer your call or text 24/7.