Richland Car Accident Lawyer

Drivers along Richland’s interstates, highways, streets, and local roads are required to follow the state’s traffic laws. Drivers must adjust their speed and driving for current driving conditions. Sadly, many drivers violate these requirements. Every day, negligent drivers cause catastrophic injuries and fatalities. Any car occupants, pedestrians, or bicycle riders who are harmed by an irresponsible driver have the right to hold the negligent driver accountable for their economic and personal damages.

At Telaré Law, our Richland car accident lawyers have helped numerous injury victims and families  obtain justice. Our success in obtaining large verdicts and settlements is due to our prompt investigation of the accident, our thorough questioning of everyone involved, our consultations with your doctors, and our ability to anticipate the arguments of the insurance companies and defense lawyers. Our experienced personal injury attorneys prepare each car accident lawsuit for trial. We settle many cases often for the maximum insurance policy limits. You can count on our lawyers to obtain the strongest recovery possible for any car accident.

How Can We Help?

  • How dangerous and deadly are car crashes?
  • What types of car accident claims do you handle?
  • What are the causes of car accidents?
  • What injuries can you sustain in a  car accident?
  • Who is liable for a car accident?
  • How much is my car accident claim worth?
  • How much time do I have to file an accident claim ?
  • Is there a car accident lawyer near me?

How Dangerous and Deadly Are Car Crashes?

According to

  • There are more than 40,000 fatal car accidents in the US every year.
  • More than 90 people die in a US car crash – every day.
  • Two million people suffer a permanent injury due to a car accident each year.
  • Every year, more than 1,600 children under 15 years of age die in traffic accidents.

Car accidents are dangerous even when one car is stopped and the other car is moving at a low rate of speed. The dangers increase exponentially if both cars are moving, if the cars are traveling at high rates of speed, if the collision is at an angle or head-on, and if the victim’s car is smaller than the other car. Glass can break. The cars can roll over. Trunks, side doors, and hoods can crumple. Victims can strike every part of the other car, other passengers, or be thrown from the vehicle. Catastrophic injuries and fatalities are common. Pedestrians and bicycle riders who are struck by a car have no protection – little chance of surviving or having a normal life.

What Types of Car Accident Claims Do You Handle?

At Telaré Law, our attorneys handle the cases that change lives forever. We represent victims with permanent injuries, and families whose loved ones have died in a crash. We regularly handle the following types of car accidents:

Our Richland car accident lawyers work with the police, investigators, traffic reconstruction professionals, and car parts experts to show how your accident occurred, and why the defendants should be held accountable.

What Are the Causes of Car Accidents?

Accidents often happen because drivers are negligent. The traffic laws are clear. Most car accidents happen because drivers weren’t paying attention or took chances they know were dangerous.

Our Richland lawyers represent car accident victims when crashes occur due to:

  • Driving while distracted (texting, eating, etc.)
  • Drunk driving
  • Driving while tired
  • Speeding
  • Failing to yield
  • Improper passing and merging
  • Failure to adjust for traffic conditions and poor weather
  • Defective car parts
  • Defective and confusing roads
  • Numerous traffic violations

What Injuries Can You Sustain in a Car Accident?

Telaré Law represents car accident victims who have injuries that cause a lifetime of pain and challenges. Our lawyers handle claims involving:

  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Traumatic amputation/limb loss
  • Serious burns
  • Spinal cord damage and paralysis
  • Internal organ damage
  • Compound fractures and fractures that don’t fully heal
  • Vision and hearing loss
  • Damage to nerves
  • Chronic pain

Our lawyers also understand the unique challenges involved when Richland car accidents injure children or kill a loved one. We work with your doctors and independent documents to verify all the medical care you’ll need, and all the ways your injuries affect your ability to work, play, function, perform daily activities, and survive from day to day.

Who is Liable for a Car Accident?

Cictims must prove fault. Before you demand compensation for your damage, you need to show one or more defendants caused the accident, and that the accident caused your injuries. We understand the complex issues involved with proving fault. We file claims against everyone responsible for your injuries including:

  • The driver who caused the crash
  • The owners of the vehicle if different than the driver, such as parents whose child causes the accident
  • A trucking company if a truck collided with your car
  • An employer
  • The makers and sellers of defective car parts
  • A seller of alcohol, if the driver was visibly intoxicated or a minor at the time of the sale, and the drinker then causes the crash due to his/her intoxication
  • The Washington Department of Transportation, or other governmental entities/ agencies, when applicable

Our Richland car accident lawyers handle difficult cases where liability may be contested, defendants blame each other, and defendants deny responsibility. We work with a team of liability professionals who are skilled at proving fault. We show why each defendant is responsible when their negligence causes a car accident anywhere in the Tri-Cities.

How Much is My Car Accident Claim Worth?

There are different ways to value a car accident claim. One way is to compare your case to how much similar cases have settled for, and the amount of jury verdicts in similar cases. Another way, the most common way, is to analyze the following economic and non-economic factors:

  • Your medical bills. For catastrophic accident victims, the bills are quite expensive because they include the care you need immediately after the accident, rehabilitation expenses, and the cost to keep your condition from worsening. We demand compensation for all your medical expenses – for the rest of your lifetime.
  • Your lost income. This sum includes your time off from work, lost benefits, and your inability to earn a living.
  • Pain and suffering. Victims with catastrophic and serious injuries live with a great amount of aches, pain, anxiety, stress, and discomfort – every day.
  • Any scarring or disfigurement. This includes the cost of psychological care.
  • Loss of consortium. This is the loss of marital support and intimacy.
  • Property damages. This covers things like the cost of repairs and rentals, and any other property damage you have.

At Telaré Law, we obtain all the medical and financial documentation necessary to support your claim. We also help you explain just how traumatic and life-changing your injuries are.

Our  lawyers are respected for our strong record of successful verdicts and settlements.

How Much Time Do I Have to File an Accident Claim?

Drivers, passengers, pedestrians, and bicyclists should never wait. It’s critical that we investigate your claim as quickly as possible because memories fade and physical evidence can be eroded with time. You need medical help now.

Generally, you have three years to file your claim, but there are exceptions. For example, there are very short time requirements if you have a claim against the Washington Department of Transportation.

Is There a Car Accident Lawyer Near Me?

Telaré Law maintains an office in Richland at 1321 Columbia Park Trail, Suite B, in Richland, WA. We have another office in Kennewick. Our lawyers meet immobile and ill clients at convenient locations.

Talk With a Respected Richland Car Accident Attorney Today

When car accidents happen, you have a million questions. Your life has been turned upside-down. You need experienced trial lawyers who have earned the respect of the legal community and the insurance industry. Justice requires complete preparation and the ability to persuasively argue your claim. Telaré Law only represents injury victims. We handle the challenging cases. We’ll help you through each phase of the litigation or settlement process.

To discuss your right to compensation from everyone responsible for a car accident, contact our Richland car accident lawyers to schedule a free consultation. We represent clients on a contingency fee basis.