The Dangers of Semi-Truck Blind Spots

Semi-trucks are no rare sight on the highways of Washington State. In maneuvering around these large vehicles, it is important to know what dangers they pose. Blind spots are universal to every vehicle. These blind spots on semi-trucks have been called the truck’s “No-Zones,” and are called as such because cars are meant to avoid…

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What Is Broker/Shipper Liability?

Trucking accidents in Southeast Washington often cause catastrophic injuries and deaths. Cars are simply no match for the size and weight of trucks. Large trucks such as 18-wheelers, freight trucks, and box trucks can completely crush some cars. Many victims spend weeks in the hospital before they can even begin their rehabilitation treatment. Most truck…

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When Is a Hospital Liable for Medical Malpractice?

Medical malpractice has three essential elements. There must be a duty of care between the health provider and the patient. The health provider’s care must be below acceptable standards. The improper cause must be the proximate cause of any injuries the patient suffers. Medical malpractice includes a failure to make a proper diagnosis, errors during…

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