Why Bridges Are So Dangerous in Winter

Winter is the most dangerous season for drivers, pedestrians, and truckers because unpredictable weather leads to accidents and injuries. Everyone must adjust their routines and habits to stay safe during the winter. Icy bridges are a significant concern because when there is rain or moisture and cold, the bridges can freeze and become icy. There…

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Who Is Liable for a Collision with an Autonomous Vehicle?

When you are in an accident with another vehicle, it can be simple to determine who was the at-fault party. Whether you were hit because the other driver was drunk, driving distracted, or driving reckless, the driver is the one liable for any damages and injuries you might have sustained. However, with modern day technology…

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Who Is Liable for a Rockfall Accident Near Kennewick, WA?

Kennewick and the surrounding areas are notable for their beautiful landscapes. These views include Badger Mountain, Rattlesnake Mountain, Horse Heavens Hills, and a whole line of ridges on the southern side of the city. While rockfalls may not happen regularly, when a rock does fall onto a car, truck, or motorcycle; the consequences can be…

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